Anyway, I have to watch the full show. I think I saw Kiiara and Julia Michaels singing Heavy, Alanis Morissette singing Rest (didn't like it, she has a better voice than that) and Oli Sykes, the rest I'll watch if I can bring myself to it someday. I think it will stay on Youtube, so I'll do it whenever I find room for it. That part of the albums not having aged well until Chester's passing still holds up as well.
Alright, I finally watched this video and I found it so dull. This guy really just puts the "Rock Band" layers on and basically just says "here's how the vocal sounds ... and, when you put that vocal over the guitar, it sounds sooo good ...", which is no better than just flatly saying "I love this song" and leaving it at that. The rest of the time, he's muting and unmuting parts at random and, towards the end, he inexplicably gives a quick tutorial for the bridge gtr part, all for no reason. I think he just wanted to film himself listening to the song.
It's interesting to see him break down the various parts of the song, but it feels odd step by step, sounds much better when all those parts are tied together.