highlight: kickin my bros ass 3 times at tennis lowlight:waking up realising i have to go to school tomrow
Highlight: Getting some studying done for my accounting exam tomorrow. Lowlight: Not getting enough studying done for my accounting exam.
Highlight: Seeing the picture and talking to him. Lowlight: Making myself look stupid when talking to him .
Highlight: Aqua Teen Hunger Force! Need I say more... Lowlight: Writing my papers, but not getting much done... damn, I'm screwed.
highlight: there was no highlight of the day..i cant see any highs for a while lowlight: the whole day...oh 6:59 am when i woke up
Highlight - Seeing John. Lowlight - I woke up with my ribs hurting this morning. They still do hurt and I have no clue why.
Highlight - Going to class today... it was enjoyable talking to Jon and the other guys in UGIS. Lowlight - I'll be up pretty much all night writing the second paper.